Notes on Authoring - Compressing
File - Send to Compresser.
Drag and drop - Dolby Digital (audio file) 2.0 (.ac3)
mp2 - video
Video format - SD DVD
Video format at PAL (Phase Alternating Lines)
Quality - mode - two pass VBR (Variable Bit Rate)
Average bit rate - 6.8
Maximum bit rate - 8.0
Motion estimation - Best
DVD 5 - 4.7
Source insert - left 2, right 2.
Source, other/destination
Drag and drop dolly and mpeg
Save project
Quit DVD pro
Final Cut Pro -
Timeline - matte - colour - solid
Text - colour
In and out - send to compressor
File - import - asserts - menu
Final Cut Pro
- In and out point of timeline (video and audio) > Compressor
- Settings - DVD Studio Pro (2x asserts - video and audio)
Standard Definition: DVD 5 (90 minute duration, 4.7 Gb) or DVD 9 (120 minutes duration, 8.4 Gb).
We're creating a DVD - R and will be using DVD 5, which although is less duration, it possess better quality than DVD 9.
DVD 5 is both one layered and one sided and will play the whole way through.
DVD 9 is also one-sided, but will stop at a certain point briefly). Which is where a chapter marker should be placed using DVD studio pro (dip to colour).
DVD + R and DVD + - R do not play on all players.
DVD 5 is both one layered and one sided and will play the whole way through.
DVD 9 is also one-sided, but will stop at a certain point briefly). Which is where a chapter marker should be placed using DVD studio pro (dip to colour).
DVD + R and DVD + - R do not play on all players.
- Menus and sub menus: x5 (leave a duration of about 20 minutes)
- Tracks: x10 (70 minutes)
First play: warning (decide the duration)
Menu: Blue
Track: Green
DVD Studio - graphical - disk
DVD Studio - main menu - add button (apple shape) - copy and paste a button, double click set target - menu or assert.
Click button - documentary
First play
End jumps
Standard definition - SD DVD
Video Standard - PAL
Region/copy right -
1 Reserved should never be ticked.
File - advance burn build and format - choose